By: Sara Hussey, MBA, CAE – ACMS Executive Director
In the April 11 edition the PAMED e-newsletter, “The Dose” it was shared that The PA House Health Committee approved House Bill 1633. This is legislation that would prohibit the use of noncompete provisions in physician employment contracts. The bill now awaits consideration by the full House of Representatives. PAMED applauds Representative Dan Frankel for introducing this bill that would help address physician shortage concerns and ensure continuity of care for patients across the Commonwealth.
This is a unique opportunity for Allegheny County physicians to make your voices heard and I encourage you to take action on this issue over the next few days. PA State Representative, and ACMS Member, Arvind Venkat, MD served as the co-sponsor of this bill, alongside Rep. Frankel. Dr. Venkat says, “as a physician, I am constantly reminded how non-compete covenants impede patients’ ability to see the doctor of their choice. I am proud to join Rep. Frankel in sponsoring this bill and urge all ACMS members to contact their state legislators to support HB 1633 this week.”
In addition to the noncompete provisions, House Bill 1633 will require employers to notify patients where their physician will be providing care in the future and explain how they can maintain their continuity of care. The bill would allow employers to offer patients the alternative of staying at their facility to receive care.
While PAMED strongly supports the end of noncompete contracts by large hospitals and massive health systems, serious concerns remain for small independent physicians trying to remain viable in an environment where their staff are routinely “poached” by hospitals. “PAMED will be seeking an amendment to House Bill 1633 that will allow these small practices to survive in the shadows of large health systems,” said PAMED’s Executive Vice President and CEO, Martin Raniowski.
PAMED has created an outreach form that facilitates seamless connection with your local representative using your home address. Click Here to submit the form to your local legislator.
Additionally, knowing that the State House may take this for consideration next week, we are urging our members to consider making a phone call to their local representative to voice your support for this bill. Calling the local office today, and the local and/or Harrisburg offices of your elected House Representatives Monday through Wednesday next week will have direct impact.
You can use the Find My Legislator tool to contact your local Representative (you must use your home address).
We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of House Bill 1633 and you can also sign up to receive text alerts from PAMED.