Welcome to ACMS Insights


An open letter to all ACMS Members:

As the healthcare profession continues to change, it only stands to reason that the Allegheny County Medical Society finds itself at a crucial turning point. We are up against generational and environmental shifts and the reality is – professional associations are different now than they were 50 years ago. We are working hard to redefine what ACMS membership should be. It requires respecting the 165-year history of the organization while finding ways to engage younger physicians with busy lives, families, and outside interests. Our biggest challenge at ACMS is creating programming and engagement opportunities that you, as a member, will find valuable enough that you’d be willing to give the ACMS even a single hour of your time. We recognize that it’s our job to make it worth your while.

Part of our engagement is going to be connecting with our members more intentionally in the virtual space. That includes this blog. Don’t worry! You will still receive your monthly ACMS Bulletin in the mail, but you’ll also see increased visibility through blog posts, e-newsletters and our social media channels.

We want to invite you, our ACMS membership, to be part of the conversation. Our blog and social media channels are there for you to engage with. We will be looking for guest bloggers and asking for you to share you programs or publications so that we can promote them on our social media platforms. We also look forward to spotlighting our members in our e-newsletters, and providing more opportunities for peer-to-peer connection.

Please reach out to us at the ACMS to continue the conversation. I can be reached at [email protected] or you can reach anyone on my team by emailing [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you!